Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hello Moms Out There

Hello all! It's about time I joined the rest of the world and got hip to this internet blogging! I am a mom of 2, Anabella, 5 and Anthony, 2. I am always looking for ideas, advice, and real stories about kids, cooking, couponing, crafts, cleaning tips and everyday mom-to-mom chats! My kids keep me pretty damn busy, but I still love to imagine I have all this free time to still be Martha Stewart! I am OBSSESSED with Pinterest and get soooo many awesome ideas on there, as I'm sure you do too! As a matter of fact, I came accross a fantastic website tonight called Although I haven't read all of it, it looks amazing. There is stuff on there from, saving money to general household tips to just about anything us mamas need! Check it out! I of course foung the woman who created it, Jordan Page, on Pinterest, and I swear we could be good friends! (Although I find that a lot on Pinterest!) Anyway, check out that website,and let me know what you think!

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