
Now I'm sure, like myself, you are all trying to save everywhere and anywhere you can! It's tough out there these days! And if you're household is anything like mine, you are living on 1 income, which, don't get me wrong is great for me and my children but money is quite tight. I have found some really good websites that offer coupons and more that I would love to share with you! Please let me know if there are other sites out there that you guys like too! I'm always looking to save. I've tried the couponing thing and I just don't get it! I feel like a moron, I mean how hard could it really be?!! But everytime I go to the supermarket, I end up saving like $5.00 and still walk away paying over $100!! I am obviously missing something but can't quite figure out what it is. I still get all my weekly circulars cuz I love looking through them and once in a while they actually have something I might need. Some of the websites I'm gonna tell you about break down all the weekly sales, plus what coupons are out there and it makes it a little easier to understand. (well maybe just a little!)

The other sites are great to get coupons at especially if you don't get the Sunday paper.

1 comment:

  1. So I was on Pinterest, (surprise surprise!) and I saw this great idea. It was called the $5 savings plan. Everytime you get a $5 dollar bill you automatically put it in a jar or piggy bank. $5 will add up pretty quick if you think about it. Has anyone tries this plan yet? Let me know what you think!
